Here's some new RSS feeds:
Cognitive Science
Neuroantrhopology - Fascinating articles on brain and body. The Wednesday Round-Ups are an overload of awesome articles.
TED Blog - Blog from
TED Talks with more information on talks and generally cool stuff
General News
Boston Globe: The Big Picture - The best photojournalism, about 3-4 slideshows a week.
LifeHacker - High volume blog filled with cool programs and ideas to help boost productivity
The Simple Dollar - Great blog on personal finances. Make sure to check out his free eBook -
"Everything You Ever Really Needed to Know About Personal Finance on Just One Page"For pruning, I've unsubscribed from
Glenn Greenwald's excellent blog. Sometimes you have to recognize when you aren't actually reading articles. Despite the moral importance of declassifying torture memos, the articles weren't directly giving me relevant information for this point in my life. Adam should keep sharing the good ones though.
For future reference, I created a
master subscription list.
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